Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Events of 1903 in Macedonia 5

The Events of 1903 in Macedonia; as Presented in European Diplomatic Correspondence (5)

Introduced by Basil C. Gounaris

Edited and Annotated by Angelos A. Chotzidis, Basil C. Gounaris, Anna A. Panayotopoulou

IMMA (Thessaloniki), 1993

21. The reaction of the Patriarchists. The commitees apply economic pressure on the Moslems.

Thessaloniki, April 25th, 1903

[HHStA PA XXXVIII/Konsulat Thessaloniki 1903, vol.407, No.28].

...Ein gewisser Stoiko aus dem Dorfe Kukles hat am 21 l.M. seinen Landsmann Pehlivan Vassili aus dem Grunde ermordet, weil letzterer angeblich vor einiger Zeit der tuerkischen Behoerde Spuren von Banden angezeigt haette. Wahrscheinlich aus dem gleichen Grunde hat Stoiko unmittelbar darauf im Dorfe Ormanlue einen Tuerken, Namens Redschel getoetet; dieses Mal aber musste er die Unthat mit seinem eigenen Leben bezahlen, er wurde von den Tuerken dieses Dorfes ermordet. Stoiko war seinerzeit als eines der fanatischesten Organe des bulgarischen Bischofes von Strumnica, Gerasinos, bekannt, vor zwei Jahren zu lebenslaenglicher Festungshaft verurtheilt und in Folge der juengsten Amnestie freigelassen worden, worauf er sofort die fruehere agitatorische Thaetigkeit aufgenommen hatte.

...Jedenfalls dauert die Thaetigkeit der Comite's auch bezueglich der forcirten Waffen-Ankaeufe, selbst in patriarchistischen Doerfern an und ebenso die Ranconnirung um Summen von 20-100 Ltq. und mehr an Bemittelten aller Confessionen, selbst Muselmaennern, welche sich aus Furcht thatsaechlich insgeheim zu executiren pflegen, weil sie ihr Leben im gegentheiligen Falle nach zahlreichen Vorfaellen fuer verwirkt erachten...


22. The committees perpetrate Foreign Ministry on atrocities against Patriarchists. Deliyannis’ memorandum.

Paris, April 14/26th, 1903

[AMAE/NS Turquie-Macedoine, vol.33, f.70r, On the note submitted by Mr.Delyanni on April 28th 1903 on order of the Greek government].

Le Consul General de Grece a Salonique telegraphie a son gouvernement qu' une famille grecque Saramento, composee de quatre membres, dont deux femmes, a ete assassinee la veille... Saint... au village Babiani, par la bande Bulgare Jovani, qui, ensuite, obligea le seul survivant de la famille a apporter au Caimacam une lettre annoncant etre l'auteur des quatre meurtres.

Cette nouvelle venant apres celles que le Gouvernement hellenique a eues dernierement de Serres, Castoria, et Florina sur la situation devenue de jour en jour plus grave par suite des meurtres commis contre les Grecs a produit sur le Gouvernement hellenique la plus penible impression...

23. Participation of the Bulgarian army in the preparations for the uprising.

Thessaloniki, April 30th, 1903

[F.O.195/2156, f.420r].

[Band?] of 500 partly in Bulgarian uniform crossed the frontier yesterday surrounded a party of 30 soldiers near Radovishta -detachments from Radovishta and Stroumnitza came up and fighting lasting all day- two lieutenants seven [men?] thirty Bulgars killed the rest being hotly pursued. Perfect [tranquillity?] at Salonica.


24. Bulgaria’s attitude to the expected uprising.

Philippopolis, May 6th, 1903

[AMAE/NS Turquie-Macedoine, vol.33, f.147r].

Les journaux de la Principaute relatant les attentats commis a Salonique par les agitateurs macedoniens sont lus ici parmi les Bulgares avec un interet voisin de l'enthousiasme et j' ai pu constater qu' aucun sentiment de pitie n' a ete manifeste a l'egard des victimes innocentes qui ont succombe dans cette circonstance, il n' y a pas eu de surprise, personne n' ignorait les intentions des comites et leur programme de represailles; au meeting signale dans la depeche que j' avais l'honneur d'adresser a Votre Excellence le 22 Fevrier dernier, un de leurs representants n' avait-il pas dit" rendons nous memes la vie impossible aux etrangers" cette menace ne devait que trop tot se realiser. Les partisans de la cause macedonienne et le nombre en est grand maintenant tant l'idee a fait des progres, se preoccupent peu des lamentables resultats de l'acte commis a Salonique car ils esperent qu' il aura pour effet d'obliger les Puissances a intervenir directement au lieu de recommander des reformes dont ils persistent a proclamer l'inefficacite.

L'abandon si brusque de leur cause par la Russie a provoque une irritation qui n' est pas calmee et dont on semble dans les comites decide a donner la preuve en dirigeant un attentat contre son ambassade a Contantinople.

Quant aux officiers jusqu' a ce jour renfermes dans une silencieuse reserve, ils dissimulent a peine leur mecontentement; ce que la Bulgarie devait de reconnaissance a la Russie pour le sang verse est largement, disent-ils, aujourd' hui compense par les consequences nefastes de sa diplomatie; ils reprochent au cabinet d'avoir suivi les avis de St Petersbourg, d'avoir neglige les preparatifs militaires que necessitaient les circonstances et d'avoir enfin laisse au Gouvernement Turc le temps de concentrer en Macedoine et sur leurs frontieres des forces dont l'importance devient inquietante.

Les consequences de ce mecontentement n' ont pas tarde a se manifester: la surveillance est moins stricte et de nombreux partisans me dit-on s'acheminent vers la Macedoine par le Rhodope. Recemment parait-il le chef d'une bande operant en Macedoine est venu dans un village voisin de Peroustiza avec quelques uns de ses hommes pour demander des vetements. Él a en outre recu 400 francs quelques fusils et des munitions, puis a de nouveau passe en Turquie; on m' a assure que le Comite de Philippopoli etait parvenu a recueillir une nouvelle somme de onze mille francs.

Deux wagons de munitions sont partis de Tatar-Bazardjik pour Sofia, ils seraient destines a Kustendil; ici 18 chariots de munitions ont ete transportes dans un magasin militaire situe pres de la station...


25. Atrocities by the committees in E. Macedonia.

Thessaloniki, May 12th, 1903

[F.O.195/2156, ff.563r-564v, No.147].


Mr. Acting Vice Consul Theodorides reports as follows: May 5. The Greek Community of Serres have petitioned the Government to close the Bulgarian school in that town, because the absence of Bulgarian families makes the existence of a Bulgarian school unnecessary, and because recent events at Salonica prove the complicity of the masters and pupils in the Bulgarian disturbances. The latter have been concentrated by the Serres Authorities in one or two houses in order that they may be closely watched.

On May 4th a Bulgarian school-master of Banitza was arrested near Serres in possession of several Mannlicher cartridges. He was imprisoned and made certain statements which led to the blockading of Banitza and the subsequent conflict (reference to my telegram No. 31 of the 5th instant). The women and children were withdrawn from the village of which a greater part was burned. The band consisted of twenty Bulgarians proper and thirty natives, and was annihilated with the exception of Gheorghi of Vrondou. Among them were the chiefs Deltzeff, (the man who planned Miss Stone's capture) whom the Missionaries describe as the most capable and most honest of the Komitajis, Dimitrioff and Kostanoff.

On the 7th there was an encounter at Goleshiovo (Demir Hissar). The Vali informs me that, while a flying patrol was watching the village, they were taken in the rear by a band of some twenty Bulgarians who were allowed to come up owing to their being dressed in Turkish military uniform. Another detachment, however, coming up, they were put to flight with slight loss on each side.

As a result of the Banitza fight, the village of Vrondou was subjected to a thorough search and about forty of the inhabitants were arrested. The villagers gave up to the authorities all the arms, ammunition, bombs, moneys, subscription lists which they had from the Committee and, declaring that they had been duped by it, begged to be taken back into the Patriarchist fold.

If this is true and if there is a retrograde movement on the part of villagers in the interior, it is one that should be encouraged by all possible means. For Exarchist means Komitaji, and no greater blow could be struck at the revolutionary organization than for the Exarchist Bulgarians to go back to their original sect.

One means of giving this movement a very strong forward impulse would be the settlement of the disputed churches question. In several parts of the interior, to mention only Vissotchan (reference to my Report No. 200 of Nov. 20th) and, I believe Koumanova, Greek churches were taken, more or less without fair reason, from the Orthodox and given to the Exarchists; in others the churches were closed, pending an understanding, and have remained closed; and in others again the Orthodox and Exarchists worship alternately.

If these churches which have been, in part or wholly, taken from the Orthodox for no adequate reason, or which have remained closed, were formally handed back to the Patriarchists, there would in my opinion be a strong reaction, especially among those who have been compelled under threat of death to change their religious appellation, given that an anti-Exarchist movement has really sprung into existence among the peasantry of Macedonia.


To be continued...


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