Sunday, February 26, 2012

Louise Weisse - quotes

Famous French author, journalist, feminist and European politician about the biographical novel "Alexander the Great" by Roger Peyrefitte:

A long and wonderful epic in which Roger Peyrefitte has canonized Greek civilization, and through which he has canonized himself."

[Louise Weisse article on French newspaper "Le Figaro"]

Family crest of Zavrel's

Familiar crest (emblem) of Consul B. John Zavrel, the Chancellor of the Alexander Order for Art and Science.

Sources: Prometheus

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cyril & Methodius and Church Slavonic

"Ukraine through the Centuries", August 8, 1953.

"This language (Church Slavonic) was foreign to the population of Ukraine. It was spread by the saints Cyril and Methodius, two Greek brothers from Salonica, who composed a Slavonic alphabet and translated the liturgies and Scriptures into Slavonic. The language used by them was based on a Bulgarian dialect of South Macedonia."

Conclusion (Analysis of the document):

- According to this article from 1953, Cyril and Methodius were Greeks from Salonica and Church Slavonic language was based on a Bulgarian dialect of South Macedonia.

Click on the image to see in full size!

Hebrew is Greek - J. Yahuda

"Hebrew is Greek" by Joseph Yahuda, Oxford 1982.

Le Festin d'Alexandre le Grand

Name: Le Festin d'Alexandre le Grand (The Last Supper of Alexander the Great)
Paintor: Pierre Peyrolle
Location: Noervenich Castle in Germany
Inspiration: For the award for Art and Science (Order of Alexander the Great) established by King Paul I of Hellenes
Description of the image: Bronze of Alexander (in front). Arno Breker, Salvador Dali and Ernst Fuchs (on the right). Joe F. Bodenstein, the Grandmaster Roger Peyrefitte and Alexandre de Villiers - Lord Keeper of Privy Seal (on the left side). All are Knights of the Order.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Hebrew is Greek" by Joseph Yahuda

Hebrew is Greek - Joseph Yahuda

Saturday, February 18, 2012

"The Ukranian Weekly" on Cleopatra VII

"Ukrainka's Plays Await a Master Translator" - August 5, 1944.

"Shakespeare's Cleopatra is above all a woman, a clever and seductive woman, and, in the second place, an Egyptian-Greek lady."

Conclusion (Analysis of the document):

- According to this article from 1944, Cleopatra was mixed Egyptian-Greek by ethnicity, not Slav.

Alexander the Great - 1494

A Master of Griselda Legend (active c. 1500) is an unidentified Sienese follower of Luca Signorelli (about 1441-1523). His most famous picture is Alexander the Great.

Alexander of Macedon (356 - 326BC) is shown as a youthful warrior posed on a pedestal. This is one of a series showing virtuous men and women of antiquity which decorated a palace in Siena. The small scenes in the distance illustrate Alexander’s virtuous behaviour towards the family of Darius whom he had defeated in battle.

Latin inscriptions:


Translated into English:

"I, Alexander, who conquered the whole world with my own strength, shook off the flames of desire from my heart. It is of no avail to rejoice in the outward triumphs of war if the mind lies sick and rages within."

The Barber Institute of Fine Arts

Friday, February 17, 2012

A Short History of Ukranian Music

"A Short History of Ukranian Music" - December 11, 1943.

"The intermediaries in Christianity, as well as in Church music, between the Greeks and the Slavs, were the Bulgarians of Macedonia. The transmission point of Greek culture was the Graeco-Bulgarian town, of Solun (Salonika) and the monasteries of Aton..."

Conclusion (Analysis of the document):

- According to this article from 1943, Solun (Salonika) was inhabited by Greeks and Bulgarians.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Alexander III in Racine's dramaturgy

Alexandre le Grand is a tragedy in 5 acts and verse by Jean Racine. It was first produced on December 4, 1665 at the Palais Royal Theater in Paris. The subject of the play is the love of Alexander and the Indian princess Cleofile complicated by intrigues between her brother Taxilus and his ally Porus. The play is largely based on a surviving work by the Roman historian Quintus Curtius Rufus. Shortly after the play’s opening at the Théâtre Palais Royal, Racine moved the play to a more prestigious company at the Hotel de Borgoyne creating a rift with Molière.

For the first time, Racines's Alexander the Great (the most famous play written about the Macedonian conqueror) will be presented on stage scripted in Greek. Since its premiere in Paris in 1665, this play, which established Racine as a prominent author and poet, has been performed in many countries. The play incorporates historical references as well as elements of poetic fantasy The work is considered to portray in exceptional psychological depth the struggle for dominance between virtue and passion. It will be performed at the Theatre Scarabeus rue Creuse 19, 1030 Bruxelles (Schaerbeek), on 25-27 March.

Some intresting questions about this literary work:

1. What says this literary work about fatherland of Alexander III of Macedon?
2. What says this literary work for Greeks?

To have a clearer picture about these questions, we must to emphasize the roles who roles involved in this drama:

Now, I will use some parts of Scene II. This scene is a dialogue between Alexander and Axiane. As we seen, Axiane is a Queen of another part of India. She tries to convince Alexander to not start a war with Porus, with this words:

["Alexandre le Grand" by Jean Racine, French (original) version from 1666, pg. 50]

In order to better translate this part, I'll use the English translation of the same literary work:

["Two tragedies: viz. Britannicus; and Alexander the Great" by Jean Racine, Translated in English by Mr. Ozell in London 1714, pg. 92]

In the older English, the "S" at beginnings of words looked similar to what you now see as a "f". Transcription of today English:

"To sink the only Man I could have loved?
Did he overrun the Frontiers of your Greece?
Did We stir up mankind against Your Glory?"

Also, I found a German translation of this part.

["Alexander der Große" by Jean Racine, German translation from 1825, pg. 56]

The translation of this part is slightly different, but same meaning:

"Hat jemals dieser Fürst dein Griechenland verheeret?"
"Has ever this Prince (Leader) destroyed your Greece?"
For the end with analysis for this literary work, I'll use another one part where Greeks are mentioned:

["Two tragedies: viz. Britannicus; and Alexander the Great" by Jean Racine, Translated in English by Mr. Ozell in London 1714, pg. 68]

Here's my paraphrase:
It is as though the other leaders had no (honorable) name, but just obeyed and followed him to battle as if they were his subjects. If that slavish sort of behavior pleases you, the Greeks and Persians can point out a master for you to follow; a hundred kings will be your companions as his slaves, and Porus will be among them to close their number. But Alexander intends to set you free.
Racine evidently conceived his next play, Alexandre, as his ticket to royal favour, since the audience was sure to see in the portrait of the Macedonian conqueror a reflection of the young King Louis XIV of France who, as the play suggests, could surpass Alexander by restraining his aggressive tendencies and becoming a morally superior hero who champions Roman Catholic virtues. Posterity has decreed the play a misguided attempt by Racine to pour his tragic vision into Corneille's heroic mold.

Conclusion (from the analysis):

According to Jean Racine, most famous French dramatist and historiographer in 17 century, Alexander's fatherland was Greece. For the first time this drama was presented on the stage scripted in Greek, not Slavic.

Author: Marsyas Periandrou (M.P.)

"Alexandre le Grand" - Jean Racine, 1666

"Alexandre le Grand" - Jean Racine, 1666

Vladimir Putin - quotes

Excerpt from a debate at a recent economic forum. The obvious synergy of otherwise blunt statement that "Alexander conquered Persia" followed by a sentence: "Now Greece is not to conquer anybody" is that Alexander's conquest was by Greeks, i.e. an endogenous conquest towards Persia of, simply stated, Greek design and character, led by Alexander:

English - "At one time Alexander the Great decided to conquer Persia in order to resolve these economic issues. Now Greece is no longer able to conquer anyone."

Славомакедонски (Slavomacedonian) -"Александар Македонски во свое време, за да ги реши економските проблеми тргна во освојување на Персија. Денешна Грција не може да освојува никого."

Ελληνικά (Greek) - "Στην εποχή του για να λύσει αυτά τά οικονομικά προβλήματα, ο Αλέξανδρος της Μακεδονίας, ήρθε και κατελάβε την Περσία. Τώρα δεν είναι η Ελλάδα να κατακτήσει κανείς."

Русский (Russian) - "В своё время, чтобы решить эти экономические проблемы, Александр Македонский пошёл и Персию завоевал. Теперь Греция не может никого завоевать."

Deutcsh (German) - "Zu seiner zeit, um die wirtschaftlichen probleme zu lösen, ging Alexander von Makedonien nach Persien und eroberte es. Heute erobert Griechenland niemanden mehr."

[Economic forum "Russia 2012", 02-02-2012, Russian 1 TV]

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nomadic invasions of Ukraine

"Nomadic invasions of Ukraine" - June 10, 1939.

- "Through contacts with the Greeks..."

- " Philip of Macedonia, who was establishing his Empire, in the Balkans."

Conclusion (Analysis of the documents):

After the defeat (from Philip and Greeks), Scythians lost much of their war-like spirit.

Click on the image to see in full size!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A short history of Greece - W.A. Heurtley

"A short history of Greece - from early times to 1964" by W.A. Heurtley (1965).

A short history of Ukranian literature

"A short history of Ukranian literature", May 18, 1934.

- "A separate and important branch of translated works were the "Повiсти" (stories, tales, etc.) which found their way into Ukraine mainly from Greece..."

- "Александрiя" (Alexander), a series of stories concerning the life of the great Macedonian monarch, Alexander the Great."


According to "The Ukranian Weekly", stories for Alexander in Ukranian literature, originates from Greece.

Click on the image to see in full size!

Friday, February 10, 2012

A concise history of Bulgaria

"A concise history of Bulgaria" by R.J. Crampton.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mohammed Bugi Ansari - quotes

Mohammed Bugi Ansari is a Pakistani artist from Lahore who lives in Holland. He is also a great painter. Mr. Mohammed Bugi Ansari declared the paintings regarding the Kalash cultures as a global heritage:

- "This area (Kafirstan) in 326 BC was visited by the Alexander's army. So there are lot of things which people consider as reference to the Greek culture."

- "... Kalash as far as beauty is concerned they were always presented as slaves to the imperial armies and imperial courts of most of the Persian and the Greek empire , and wine was traded all the way from the areas of Kafristan to the Greeks..."

- " was like people who burned in Alexandria in Egypt you know the great library and all this very very interesting documents you know from Greek people like democrats..."

["Kalash people of Pakistan (interview in English) with Mohammed Bugi Ansari" from Radio Libre Expression, France 2011]

A concise history of Greece

"A concise history of Greece" by Richard Clogg, 1992.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Were Greeks fascists?

Everyday we see how Slavomacedonian's propagandic machine wants to convince the world that the Greeks were Fascists and Nazis. It is based generally on the regime of Metaxas (earlier) and some ultra-right organizations (today). Some day if you travel to FYROM don't be suprised if you see billboards like this.

Yeah, don't be surpised because this is cheap Slavomacedonian propaganda. At FYROM schools on the history lessons, they teach Slavomacedonian childrens that Greece was and is fascist country that made a lot of massacres over Slavomacedonians (read: Bulgarians) in Aegean Macedonia (read: Northern Greece).

Also don't be suprised if some Slavomacedonia wears T-Shirt like this. They use all methods to denounce the Greeks as a nation. This photo is during the basketball match between Greece vs. FYROM, at Eurobasket 2009 in Poland.

On the Slavomacedonian internet pages and blogs you can see photoshoped image, which shows former Gree
k Prime-Minister Mr. Kostas Karamanlis, dressed as a Nazi soldier.

With this pathethical attempts, Slavomacedonians want to present Greece as fascist country performing occupation on Aegean Macedonia and steal their name Republic of "Macedonia". But let's see serious side of this story.

Some Slavomacedonians forum members are using these images to confirm their claims. Images are taken during the Metaxas regime 1936-1941.

First at all we must to start with explaining to Slavomacedonians:

- On what is based fascism?
- For how many types of fascism we know?
- Metaxas and Italian fascism (similarities and opposites).
- Origin of salute?
- Relationships between Metaxas fascism and Italian Fascism.

1. Fascism as a phenomenon was appeared in Italy, and it was based on ancient Roman Empire tradition.

"Italian Fascists claim that modern Italy is the heir to ancient Rome and its legacy, and support the creation of an empire to provide "vital space" for colonization by Italian settlers and establishing control over the Mediterranean Sea as Italy's Mare Nostrum as it had been under the Roman Empire."

[Aristotle A. Kallis. Fascist ideology: territory and expansionism in Italy and Germany, 1922-1945. London, England, UK; New York, New York, USA: Routledge, 2000. Pp. 50.]

2. There are many typers of Fascism (Italian fascism, Hungarian fascism, Clerical fascism, Islamofascism...) but Metaxas regime is characterized as "Monarcho-Fascism".

3.Some historians argues that Metaxas regime or Metaxas Fascism hasn't same dynamic as Italian Fascism and Nazi German regime.

["A concise history of Greece" by Richard Clogg, Second edition 2002, pg. 115]

The Idea of Metaxas was:

"In Metaxas' case we can speak as well of some characteristics typical of authoritarian states such as 1930s Spain, Portugal, Germany and Italy: the regime's propaganda presented Metaxas as "the First Peasant", "the First Worker" and as "the National Father" of the Greeks. Metaxas adopted the title of Arhigos, Greek for "leader" or "chieftain", and claimed a "Third Hellenic Civilization" based upon ancient Greece and the Greek Byzantine Empire of the Middle Ages."

[Wikipedia, Free on-line Encyclopedia]

4. Now, few words for origin of fascistic salute. Slavomacedonians used several images where are showen Greeks (from 1936-1941 period) with high raised right hand. According to their logic, "the Greeks were fascists and Hitler supporters". But, are the Nazi Germans or Fascist Italians inventors of this salute? Fascist Italia as a successor of Roman Empire idea, continued to use this ancient Roman salute.

Ancient Roman coin with Emperor Aurelian (270-275 A.D.). Reverse side of coin: Sol treading left on captive while right hand is raised in salute and holding globe while other captive looks on.
The so-called "fascist" salute showen on the picture "The Oath of the Horatii" by Jacques-Lois Davis at 1784 A.D.

So dear Slavomacedonians, please tell to us "Are the ancient Romans fascist"? Or are those childrens from democratic state as U.S.A. fascists?

5. And now most intresting question! What are the relationships between Greek "Monarcho-fascism" of Metaxas and Italian Fascism of Mussolini?

Metaxas created the IKA(National Insurance), he fixed employment law at 8-working hours per day. He defeated Italy, he created the Metaxas Line, which was the Macedonian Line of Defense against the Germans, and is the reason why the Germans congratulated the Greeks for their defense, and allowed the prisoners of War to freedom. He established one of the finest legal frameworks..the Astikps Kodikas (Civil Codex) which determines in law the relationships between the citizens, not between State and citizen and what he created is hailed even to our days as a work of art, hence why the Greek enjoys such huge legal freedoms.

He became a dictator at the right time, cause Greece was changing government every 3 months at the time for many years and Italy was attacking.

Greece had her fascist Era for 5 years. That gave her the Dodekanese Islands after the Italian defeat, and Greece was hailed worldwide as the ultimate defender due to the Metaxas Line of Defense.

Author: Marsyas Periandrou (M.P.)

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